Vagner's Baptism Day- Me, Vagner, Cleber and Elder Bair |
Baptism Day Selfie |
Hi Everybody!!!
I hope you are all doing great!! I am sure everyone had a fantastic week! This week for us was a PERFECT last week of the transfer, which by the way I am getting transferred, but more on that later.
Tuesday night we had a cool lesson with Marina and Hildo. Elder Bair and I had, like normal, planned what our lesson would be with them. But, yet again we were impressed to change our plan when we got there. Somehow our discussion before we actually started teaching got onto the topic of families and the role of families in today's world. That discussion led perfectly into what we ended up teaching, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." It was very spiritual and interesting to see the Lord direct our conversation. Marina especially liked “The Proclamation” because it talks about the equality of husband and wife in marriage. The tough thing about Marina and Hildo is that they just like to learn and talk, not actually be serious about keeping commitments. For example, they said they'd come to church this week, then bailed Saturday night. I really like them and hope they will take this more seriously and realize how important it is.
Wednesday was an awesome day! At church, these last few weeks, there has been this lady named Patricia. She was baptized years ago, married in the church but then went inactive. She has been coming back to church and she brings 2 of her 3 kids with her on Sundays. Wednesday afternoon we scheduled to meet with them. It was such an awesome lesson. Only her and the 2 kids she brings to church were there. Her oldest daughter was at college and her husband, working. Her 2 kids who we taught are Maria who is 17 and Lucas who is 10. We taught the first lesson and they loved it. Then Patricia shared an awesome testimony. She said "I know that God has a purpose in all things. After my first 2 daughters were born my husband and I decided not to have any more kids. But for years I had this feeling we needed another. I was hearing a voice telling me that. It said the new baby would be a boy and his name should be Lucas. So I got pregnant and had Lucas and he has always been special. But now I think I know why I had him. He was the one 2 weeks ago who said, 'Mom why don't we go to church?' and he had NEVER been to church before. He's the reason we are coming back." Man it was so spiritual and everyone was emotional!
Also Wednesday night we headed over to Vagner's, (by the way, after all this time I learned that his name is spelled with a V not a W, haha oops), to go over the baptismal interview questions with him. It was seriously so cool for me to see how much Vagner has grown and progressed these last 3 months. It made me very happy.
Thursday night there was a branch activity as well as Vagner's interview afterwards. The activity was really really fun! Elder Bair and I got assigned the “fun activity” part of the night on the spot so we had to come up with some type of fun activity for everyone. We had no time to plan so decided to teach them how to play, "heads-up, 7-up" and they LOVED it!! Apparently it isn't a game here because no one had ever played it before. It was a ton of fun and even got competitive. Yeah... heads-up 7-up got competitive! I didn't even know that was possible but it was hilarious. Also Vagner passed the interview!! The only thing left for him to be baptized was for Saturday to show up!
And it did! March 25, 2017 Vagner got baptized!!!!!! Man I was so happy, I cannot even explain it! He was so happy too which made me even more happy! It was just a happy day!! But for real it really was just a great baptism. To see how far Vagner has come is amazing. That feeling is the pay-off for us as missionaries. That is the feeling that makes these the BEST 2 years. Even better is that his 6 year old, Isaac, couldn't stop asking how many days until his baptism! And even BETTER than that is Vagner and Juliana plan on going to the temple in about one year to get sealed together for time and all eternity. THAT is what I am talking about!!!!!!
One of the only bad things that happened this week was that I started to feel a little sick Thursday night and then it hit a peak yesterday after lunch! It really was not fun at all and my throat was killing me! I also had a pounding headache and my whole body was aching. I stayed in all day, which is the worst thing on a mission. I went to bed early and took a lot of medicine too! I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better and now a lot better. So that is good.
So yes, I am getting transferred but let me explain first. So here at the house we are living in, live 4 Elders. 2 from the Morada dos Passaros branch, which I have been in, and 2 from the Morada Real ward. Both meet in the same chapel every Sunday. So this morning we got the call and I am getting transferred to.... Morada Real!!!! I am just changing bedrooms in our house haha!! Of all the options and things that could have happened with the transfer the ONLY thing that did not pass through my mind was this! It is so so so crazy! I am happy because I will still get to see all the members that I love. Also because I should be here for the cold! This is the only city in the mission that gets cold during winter and winter is coming so hopefully I get a little cold here! That would be a very nice treat for me, haha. I am also super excited because I get to see all the AMAZING members from the branch every week but also get to know the ward here!! I am super excited! My companion will be Elder Bitencourt, who I already know because we have been living in the same house these last 6 weeks haha!! It’s going to be great! I am also excited because this area has been a while without a baptism but they have a lot of good, promising investigators right now so I am excited to come in and see what I can do to help!
The only sad thing about the transfer is that Elder Bair won't be my companion anymore. The good news though is we will still be living in the same apartment and that he is also my new District Leader here, which is way cool cause I really learn a lot from him. We became good friends and I really grew to love him as we served together. It was also sweet to be able to be with another American and hopefully I will get to serve with another one at a different time on the mission.
Anyway, I am SOOOO excited for General Conference this weekend! Like soooo excited. Feels like just yesterday I was in Itabuna watching Conference in my little English classroom!! I'm excited to hear all the counsel we will get!
I love you all!! Have a great week!!!
Elder Spencer P. Christofferson
Cleber and his family |
Our Apartment of Missionaries, Cleber, Vagner and his son |
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